Projektchor Repertoire

Unser Repertoire umfasst mittlerweile eine ganze Menge Titel, unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf Black-Gospel-Songs meist in originalen Arrangements aus den USA. Aber auch viele Popstücke und klassische Spirituals finden sich in unseren Programmen.

Ain’t no mountain high enough
Ain’t no rock
And again I say rejoice
Awesome God
Blowin in the wind
Bridge over troubled water
Brighter Day
But by my spirit
California dreaming
Come bless the Lord
Come by here, good Lord
Come by here, my lord
Down to the river to pray
Earth song
Ebony and ivory
Elijah Rock
Freedom is coming
Get right church
Gloria! Medley!
Glorify the lord
Glory to God almighty
Go tell it to the mountain
God is moving
Going up yonder
Happy birthday
Hark the herald angel sings
He reigns
He’s my rock
Help me, Lord
Hold on
Holy, holy, holy
How I got over
I believe I can fly
I can bear it
I can’t thank him enough
I heard the voice of Jesus
I say a little prayer
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
I will search for you
I won’t be satisfied
If I be lifted
In the Sanctuary
It can’t stay dark always
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Joy to the world
Knockin’ on heaven’s door
Lawd, I’m on my way
Lean on me
Let it be
Let us adore him
Lift him up
Light a candle in the dark
Listen to the rain
Lord I’m trusting
Lord take away all hesitation
Love is the message
May the Lord send angels
Muntanyes regalades
My life is in your hand
Nkosi sikeleli
Oh freedom
Oh happy day
Oh, when the saints
One more day
People get ready
Put your trust
Put your trust in Jesus
Ready for a miracle
Rejoice! (Richard Smallwood)
Save me
Say hallelujah
Silent night
Soon and very soon
Step by Step
Teach me your way
Thank you for my mansion
Thank you for the music
The long and winding road
The Lord is my light
The Lord shall reign
The storm is over now
This train
Time is a healer
To my father’s house
Total Praise
Wade in the water
Watts’s Cradle Hymn
We lift your names up high
We shall overcome
What can I do to thank you
What child is this
With a little help of my friends

Stand: April 2010